Your Vote Setup
Email address(for verification)

Your email must be verified to continue to use "Your Vote". Your email addess will not be displayed. Please add YourVote@capr.us to your contact list to prevent your spam blocker from blocking the conformation email. Each email address can only be used only once.

Email :
Your zip code (5 digit)
used for verification and voting location
Zip code :
Legal First Name(Not visable)
As on your voter registration
First Name :
Legal Lastt Name(Not visable)
As on your voter registration
Last Name :
Short Display Name(visable to all)
4 to 12 Characters(Must Be Unique)
Short Name :
Long Display Name (visable to all)
9 to 40 Characters(Must Be Unique)
Long Name :
Select a user name (one you will remember)
5 to 20 Characters(Must Be Unique)
User Name :
Select a Password (one you will remember)
5 to 16 Characters or numbers case sessitive
Password :
Confirm Password Confirm Password :

You will need to have Javascript turned on in your browser. That is the default for most browsers, so you should be okay unless you have turned Javascript off yourself. These pages have been tested with Internet Explorer v.7  and Firefox v. 2 & 3. If you have problems with other browsers or versions, please let Chuck at KingVP@CAPR.us

"Nothing is ours which another may deprive us of." —Thomas Jefferson

Copyright 2009 Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights