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You are logged in as a Guest. You may use Guest mode to view the system and see how it works. YOUR DATA WILL NOT BE SAVED so any ratings or friends you add will disappear when the next Guest logs in. Go ahead and check it out then go to YOUR PROFILE page to set up your own account.

Note it may help in finding friends to rate a few candidates first.


Use the Candidates page to set your ratings and to see how your friends and your Foes are voting.

Awesome for a great candidate
Acceptable for a good candidate
Lacking for a poor Candidate
Repulsive for an unacceptable Candidate

The FRIENDs & FOEs page is where you selects your FREINDS (Those that vote Like You) and your FOES (those that often vote the wrong way).

Note it may help in finding friends to rate a few candidates first.


Go to YOUR PROFILE page to edit your profile and default settings.

Guest to Your Vote Neither FRIEND nor FOE
Your Photo No Party considered Independent
Self Discription
For Info use only
Issues are:
Do Not Save entries
Sort Name: Guest

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Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights
718 Griffin Avenue #7
Enumclaw, WA 98022

© Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights