CAPR's blog

CAPR Property Rights Newsletter Volume 3

December 2018

Help protect your property rights—add an ally

By Glen Morgan, Executive Director

It is obvious to most that there is strength in numbers. This is true with most endeavors in life, and protecting our freedoms and our property rights is no exception. Unfortunately, the challenge with protecting our freedoms or property rights is the usual paradox associated with concentrated costs and distributed benefits. Everyone benefits from strong property rights, but few are willing to lead the fight to protect them.

CAPR Works to Protect Property Owners’ Rights and Their Septic Systems

Until this summer, property owners have never been represented on the Washington State Department of Health Onsite Sewage System (OSS) policy and technical rule revision Committee (basically an ad hoc committee to determine Washington State’s rules regarding septic systems).

Historically, only bureaucrats, environmental extremists, and industry representatives (septic pumping, designers, etc.) were involved. This may have been one reason why these policies seem to keep getting worse and more hostile to property owners over the years.


by Cindy Alia, December 8, 2108

The Energy and tenacity of Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR), Spokane Treasurer Rob Chase who pursued coordination under the  the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970, Idaho based Avista Customer Group, and many concerned and commenting citizens of both Washington and Idaho were very effective in putting pressure on the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Committee (WUTC), who in Washington State had the final say in determining if Avista, a United States owned utility company could be purchased by a Canadian utility company, Hydro One! 

Skagit County - Charter Push to Deny Rights - Denied! – Winning The Fight to Defeat the Charter Initiative

Skagit County – Winning The Fight to Defeat the Charter Initiative

Twenty-one days after the November 6th election, the excruciating slow process of counting votes in Skagit County was over.  However, after only a week of sorting through ballots, it was evident the initiative to transform Skagit into a county that resembled its dysfunctional neighbors was soundly beaten back.  In the end, voters turned down charter government by a 2 to1 margin.    

Civility Matters

When the Washington State legislature begins the 2019 session in mid-January, civility matters.

Civility impacts our governance, it does not matter where one stands politically, our form of representative governance is dependent on the courteous and orderly participation of citizens and legislators.  This is the best way to get the most information exchanged in the least time-consuming manner.

Civility matters because our form of governance depends on citizen/legislature communications and effective communication depends on getting facts to our legislators int the most efficient way.  Most legislators are operating under a very tight schedule which includes caucus meetings, committee meetings, meetings with constituents, and private lobbyists representing a wide array of business and ideal based civic groups.

This West Is Our West 1 day Conference - Whitefish Montana

Our friends at This West is Our West are offering a conference Saturday October 13, at Grouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish Montana, where "We truly hope that each of you will consider joining us on October 13th at this remarkable one-day conference in Whitefish, Montana. The array of speakers and subjects will provide an updated overview of “The Deep State” and its impact in the West, bureaucratic agency over-reach, federal Indian policy, public vs. private property rights, environmental and jurisdictional issues affecting our country and each of our communities. We will also have discussions on critical legislation impacting our western states."

Dan Dagget to Speak on the Benefits of Ranching and Farming October 6, at the Rome Grange, Bellingham

Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights
Dan Dagget, author of Gardeners of Eden – Rediscovering Our Importance to Nature
Saturday. October 6, noon til 3:00 at the Rome Grange, 2821 Mount Baker Hwy
Bellingham, WA
Please join CAPR as Dan Dagget describes a conservative alternative to liberal environmentalism.
Private land management via grazing is a better way to a healthy environment than is protectionism via no touch plans and programs. Some measure success, environmental and otherwise, in terms of their ability to control more of the environment (and therefore of us) via government regulation. To others, Conservatism is the home of the free market, of rewarding people for producing outcomes, not applying policies.


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