Last Big Push for Property Rights Bills!

Urgent Action! Your Calls Will Restore Property Rights! CAPR members, friends and allies, our property rights friendly legislators need our help to turn the tide on these bills! We are happy to have so many property rights bills in play this session! The list is huge! Please look it over and decide to support as many as you can in this last big push for Property Rights! There are new bills added to this list, please continue the campaign for our property rights and call and email to support these property rights protecting bills!!! This is our last big push to get these bills to the floor! Your calls and emails are stirring the pot! You are being heard! Your calls are still urgently needed to get bills to the floor before the February 20th cut off date!!! Legislative hotline: 1.800.562.6000 Property Rights Bills Currant Status Bills on Eminent Domain! Your voices are making it possible to have an eminent domain bill this year! SB 5363 Prohibiting the use of eminent domain for economic development has progressed!It is in the Rules Committee! We need to call the hotline and send emails supporting SB 5363 SB 5363, Read original text: Please call and email the Rules Committee and ask SB 5363 bill be passed to the floor for a vote! Lt Governor Brad Owens (360) 786-7700 Senator Pam Roach (360) 786-7660 HB 2038 Prohibiting the use of eminent domain for economic development. Please call and email the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee and ask for this bill to get a public hearing, and executive hearing, and be passed to the rules committee! Representative Laurie Jinkins (360) 786-7930 Please let these Representative know how important this bill is! Representative Christine Kilduff Representative Jay Rodne Representative Matt Shea Three bills to save our Farmers, Ranchers, and Agricultural Lands! We are still waiting for an executive hearing on this bill set! According to the Washington State Department of Agriculture, our agriculture and food industry is worth $49 billion to the state economy. Support our agricultural value and your safe and locally produced food by calling the Legislative Hotline: 1.800.562.6000 and telling your legislators you support HB 1215, HB 1629 HB 1630 and their companion bills in the Senate! Please send these e-mails to the Chairmen of the Local Government Committee and let these representatives know you support the passage of these bills! We need to call the hotline and email Representatives Dean Takko, and David Taylor asking for HB 1215, 1216, 1629, 1630 to pass from Executive Session to the Rules Committee! HB 1215 Restricting the conversion of agricultural land to other uses under the growth management act. HB 1216-Restricting the conversion of agricultural land to other uses under the growth management act and shoreline management act. HB 1629 Prohibiting conversion of agricultural lands to wetlands or fish habitat under the shoreline management act. HB 1630 Prohibiting conversion of agricultural lands to wetlands or fish habitat under the growth management act and the shoreline management act. Seven bills to restore your water rights! We have good news on SB 5129, 5136, 5407, and 5491! These bills have all been passed to the Rules Committee! We need to call and ask for these bills to be sent to the floor for a vote! WATER RIGHTS! These Bills Must Be Passed to stop the hardship to thousands of property owners who have lost their water rights!!! SB 5129 has been passed to the Rules Committee! We need to call and email the Chairs of the Rules Committee and ask for SB 5129 to be passed to the floor for a vote! 1. SB 5129 – Concerning overriding considerations of the public interest in management of the waters of the state. We need to call and send emails to Senator Warnick supporting SB 5131 and asking to have it heard in Executive Committee so it can go on to the rules committee! 2. SB 5131 – Concerning the Skagit instream flow rule. SB 5407 has been passed to the Rules Committee! We need to call and emial the Chairs of the Rules Committee and ask for SB 5407 to be passed to the floor for a vote! 3. SB 5407 – Concerning existing lots and the Skagit instream flow rule. We need to call and send emails to Senator Warnick supporting SB 5134 and asking to have it heard in Executive Committee so it can go on to the rules committee! 4. SB 5134 – Concerning base flows and minimum instream flows. We need to call and send emails to Senator Warnick supporting SB 5135 and asking to have it heard in Executive Committee so it can go on to the rules committee! 5. SB 5135 – Ensuring that certain existing water uses are not subject to interruption. SB 5136 has been passed to the Rules Committee! We need to call and email the chairs of the Rules Committee and ask For SB 5136 to be passed to the floor for a vote! 6. SB 5136 – Repealing an instream flow rule and adopting a new instream flow rule. SB 5491 has been passed to the Rules Committee! We need to call and email the chairs of the Rules Committee and ask for SB 5491 to be passed to the floor for a vote! 7. SB 5491 – Maintaining reservations of water for certain future uses. Please email and call the Senate Rules Committee Chairs and ask for all these bills to pass from executive hearing and the rules committee for a hearing on the floor! Lt Governor Brad Owens, Senator Pam Roach Bills to reign in and reverse the damage caused by agencies!!! HB 1204 Please call and/or email Representative Sam Hunt (360) 786-7992 and Representative Jeff Holy and ask for an executive hearing! (360) 786-7962 HB 1204 - Limiting the enforcement of policies of the department of ecology. HB 1209 Please call and/or email Representative Sam Hunt (360) 786-7992 and Representative Jeff Holy(360) 786-7962 and ask for an executive hearing! HB 1209-Concerning proceedings of the joint administrative rules review committee. HB 1375Please call and/or email Representative Sam Hunt (360) 786-7992 and Representative Jeff Holy(360) 786-7962 and ask for an executive hearing! HB 1375 - Concerning criminal trespass on private property. HB 2046-Adding a definition of streams to the shoreline management act. Please call Representative Takko and ask him to pass this bill from Executive Committee to Rules Committee, so it may be heard on the floor!(360) 786-7806 Please call the chairmen of Government Operations and State Security and ask for these bills to have an executive hearing so they may pass to the Rules Committee to be sent to the floor! SB 5364, 5365 5368, 5369, 5371 Senator Pam Roach, (360) 786-7660, Senator Don Benton, (360) 786-7632, Senator Kirk Pearson, (360) 786-7676, and Senator Marko Liias, (360) 786-7640 These above bills would result in the legislative oversight of the agencies, resulting in more accountability and representation for Washington's Citizens! Please call the chairmen of the Senate Energy Committee to ask for an executive hearing on these bills that would also result in legislative oversight of the agencies! SB 5366, 5367. Senator Doug Ericksen (360) 786-7682, Senator Tim Sheldon (360) 786-7668. Please call Chair Senator Pearson (360) 786-7676 and ask for an executive hearing on SB 5372. Please call Chairs Senator Padden (360) 786-7606 and Senator O'Ban (360) 786-7654, and ask for an executive hearing on SB 5370, 5373, and 5374 SB 5013 is Scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water & Rural Economic Development. Please call and/or email Senator Warnick (360) 786-7624 and ask her to pass 5013 and send it to the Rules Committee. SB 5013 - Regarding the use of designated agricultural lands. SB 5168 is waiting for an executive hearing. Please email and/or call Senator Warnick (360) 786-7624 and Senator Hatfield (360) 786-7636 and ask for an executive hearing. SB 5168 - Addressing the definition of agricultural lands under the shoreline management act. SB 5169 is waiting for an executive hearing. Please email and/or call Senator Warnick (360) 786-7624 and Senator Hatfield (360) 786-7636 and ask for an executive hearing. SB 5169 Restricting the conversion of agricultural land to other uses under the growth management act. SB 5170 is waiting for an executive hearing. Please email and/or call Senator Warnick (360) 786-7624 and Senator Hatfield (360) 786-7636 and ask for an executive hearing. SB 5170- Restricting the conversion of agricultural land to other uses under the growth management act and shoreline management act. SB 5622 Please call and/or email Senator Ericksen and ask for a do pass to an executive hearing. Senator Ericksen (360) 786-7682 and Senator Tim Sheldon (360) 786-7668 and ask for an executive hearing. SB 5622 - Requiring that the departments of fish and wildlife and ecology use empirical science to support agency actions affecting land use. SB 5872 Would prevent the stagnation of counties due to the over purchasing by agencies of lands within a county, resulting in a greatly reduced tax base and employment opportunites. Please call the committee chairs and ask for an executive hearing. Senator Kirk Pearson, (360) 786-7676 Senator Brian Dansel, (360) 786-7612 and Senator Hatfield (360) 786-7636 SB 5872- Concerning the acquisition of land by state natural resources agencies. SB 5985- Extending the date for allowing certain counties and cities to not plan under the growth management act. Feb 19 Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Government Operations & Security at 10:00 AM. Please call the committee chairs and ask for this bill to have an executive hearing so it may be passed to the Rules Committee! Senator Pam Roach (360) 786-7660, Senator Don Benton (360) 786-7632, Senator Kirk Pearson (360) 786-7676, and Sentor Marko Liias (360) 786-7640 SB 5965-Evaluating mitigation options for impacts to base flows and minimum instream flows. Please call the committee chairs and ask for SB 5965 have a do pass to the Rules Committee! Senator Judy Warnick (360) 786-7624, Senator Brian Dansel (360) 786-7612, and Senator Brian Hatfield (360) 786-7636. Bills Protecting Washington's Citizens and Property from Wolves! Senate Bills 5938, 5940, 5960, 5962, 5963 are all bills related to preventing the lapses in management that have led to so many livestock and wildlife predation and problems. They would actually protect citizens from all mammalian wildlife! These bills will receive a hearing 2/18 in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Parks at 1:30 PM. Please call the committee chairs and ask for an executive hearing so these bills may pass to the Rules Committee for passage to the floor for a vote! Senator Kirk Pearson (360) 786-7676, Senator Brian Dansel (360) 786-7612, and Senator Brian Hatfield, (360) 786-7636. Thank you for helping to give property rights a strong voice in Olympia! If we all send calls and emails, we will have the strength to get these bills passed! If this work to get these bills drafted, sponsored,assigned legislative bill numbers, and passed is the kind of work you appreciate, please consider a CAPR PAC donation to keep this effort funded! Together we can get these property rights bills passed! Thank you for your help in getting the restoration and respect for Property Rights that should always be the main goal of our state government! Shopping at Amazon? With Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate to CAPR! This does not cost you extra, amazon will donate to CAPR! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at Keep in contact with CAPR by visiting our website. or visit our Facebook Page. Thank you for your continuing support of CAPR!

February 16, 2015