Promising Bills Respecting Property Rights in Olympia!

Friends in Property Rights, 2015 holds much promise for Property Rights in Olympia! There are many bills that will uphold and respect your property rights on the table, and all they need to pass is the citizen input that CAPR members and friends are so good at providing! Please check the CAPR bill rating page for an up to date list of bills that warrant your comments to your Senators and Representatives, with your encouragement these bills could pass and liberty in your property can begin to be restored! We are all fortunate to have legislators in place who understand and support property rights, and a polite call from CAPR members in support of bills will be encouraging to them, spurring them on to more action in protecting our rights! This page shows the ratings and recommendations on bills by CAPR, and there are several clickable options at the top of the page to sort the information on the bills you will need. Click on "all flagged" to see every bill that CAPR has rated. Many of these bill had guidance and input from CAPR members, and with a CAPR lobbyist in Olympia now we have more influence over decision making than ever, but it is each member calling and emailing in support of these freedom oriented bills that will make the real difference we all want! There are a few bills in red that are damaging to rights, and those could use a polite, "do not pass" from members as well, your contact will make all the difference in these cases as well! Thank you for your support!

January 18, 2015