YES ON I-2066 Stop the Gas Ban Protect Energy Choice Lets Go Washington!

May 16, 2024 by Cindy Alia

Updated 7/2/24

Lets Go Washington Signature Goal Met!

Lets Go Washington and the fine Registered Voters of Washington state have met and surpased their goals of gathering enough signatures to qualify Initiative 2066 for the November Ballot!  With more than 423 thousand signatures a very comfortable cushion of signatures have been amassed and will be presented to the Secretary of State on July 3!  Thank you to everyone accomplishing this goal!  This accomplishment adds yet another important reason to be sure you make the time to vote in 2024!  You can celebrate the signature drop off by attending drop off events!

Updated 6/28/24

Don't forget to seek out a location to sign the Initiative 2066 petition if that is something you have meant to do!  This is the last weekend to collect signatures on the petition to get the initiative on the ballot in November!  

Or have a little fun and attend a Super Signing Event!  Lets go Washington!  Bellevue, Buckley, Yakima, super signing-we the people can get this done!

CAPR is pleased to find Lets Go Washington and Protect Energy Choice have worked to successfully introduce Initiative 2066 Stop the Gas Ban Protect Energy Choice so you may continue to rely on an energy source that most suits you and your sitiuation and needs at your home or business.  This initiative, when successfully passed, will prohibit utilities, state or local government from limiting your choice in energy use, and make sure all natural gas or propane use would be protected in Washington state.  We know many people statewide rely on gas or propane to maintain their property and safety, have a reliable back-up energy source in emergencies, and to run businesses from restaurants to storage, to manufacuring of products.  This initiative would prohibit banning natural gas and propane, would prohibit utilities to discourage or disincentivize us of natural gas or propane.  The obligation of a utility to serve the public would be strengthened and remain a mandate.

This very important protection provided by I-2066 for all people and properties must gather all needed signatures by July 5th to get on the November ballot for a vote of the people.  The time frame is short, so it is important for you to make sure you sign the initiative in time to get on the ballot and protect your life, liberty, and property with this initiative!  Stop the phase out of natural gas, and protect your right to use propane as an energy source.  Your help is needed to accomplish the gathering of 405,000 signatures by July 5th 2024!  Request a petition sheet or volunteer to have your business as an official LGW signing location!  Help gather signatures to secure a brighter, warmer, and more productive future in Washington state!

This important initiative empowers voters to:

  • Protect natural gas for heating, cooking and more.
  • Stop state and local governments, and their agencies, from banning, restricting, or discouraging gas and gas appliances in homes and businesses, like restaurants.
  • Make sure gas utilities will continue to provide natural gas to customers who want it.
  • Stop the state from limiting natural gas service to homes and businesses, like restaurants and breweries.
  • Protect people from having to switch to only electric energy.
  • Keep the power on when our energy grid is at capacity in super cold or hot weather.

May 17, 2024