CAPR's blog

Join CAPR, the Mining Community and Others to Comment!

Join CAPR, the Mining Community, and others at 8:30 am sharp Friday, Nov. 7. Sign in to comment on: AT the WDFW Commission Meeting to be held at: Natural Resources Building 1111 Washington St SE Olympia WA 98501 First Floor, Room 172 CAPR has filed a petition to the WDFW. This Petition was denied.

Ecology Provides Flawed Documentation for Spokane In Stream Flow Rule

The Washington State Department of Ecology has determined to pass a rule change onto the Citizens of this state with the creation of an In Stream Flow Rule for the Spokane River and Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie: Chapter 173-557 WAC Water Resources Management Program (WRMP) for the Spokane River and Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie (SVRP) Aquifer and amendment to WAC 173-555-010. The DOE documentation has been provided on this website: CAPR has reviewed these documents and finds it is important to share our findings. Ecology is relying on the precautionary principal even though it has had over 40 years to conduct the studies that would be necessary to understand the ground and surface water resources of Eastern Washington.

Is Government the Answer to Marijuana?

Regardless of personal opinions regarding Marijuana Use, the Control of the Government in this issue has always been a situation that would be questionable at best. What must be decided is what is the advantage to society of Current and Proposed "Legalized Marijuana" law. Are we trading one cartel for another? How does the average citizen, property owner, and taxpayer benefit from these laws?

Excellent Interview with Justice Richard Sanders, Property Rights Discussion

Jason Overstreet of Law and Liberty Radio interviews Retired Justice Richard Sanders, a constant champion of individual rights. Discussion of Property Rights in Washington State with a constitutional thinker. This thoughtful 27 minute interview is well worth the listening!

Corporate Environmentalists Break Promises

Wild Earth Guardians entered into an agreement with the Department of the Interior US Fish and Wildlife Service in May, 2011. The Center for Biological Diversity also entered into an agreement with the USFWS in June, 2011. Both of these Corporate Environmentalists promised to limit the filing of lawsuits to 2007 levels due to the fact that the constant filing of Endangered Species Act lawsuits has caused a serious backlog in the FWS, which in itself was causing additional lawsuit filings by these groups. This flooding of lawsuits is part of the "Sue and Settle" strategy that funds a significant portion of these Corporate Environmentalists income.

CAPR Skagit Water Forum a Successful Step in Citizen Participation!

CAPR Skagit Water Forum a Successful Step in Citizen Participation! Thank you Rep. Elizabeth Scott, R-Monroe, Sen. Kirk Pearson, R-Monroe, Rep. Dave Hayes, R-Camano Island, Jim Cook, a sitting Skagit Public Utility District commissioner, for your attention to the issues discussed at the CAPR Skagit Water Forum! Moderator Glen Morgan and the panel on the stage. Well water issues spill over at forum By Daniel DeMay | Posted: Thursday, September 18, 2014 6:00 am MOUNT VERNON — Many of a thirsty group of residents, legislators and political candidates generally agreed Wednesday night that Skagit County doesn’t have a water shortage and the state and county shouldn’t be stopping rural landowners from building homes.


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