CAPR's blog

Federal Government Loses Big in Supreme Court Property Rights Case

This will lead you to an uplifting article on Citizen Review Online. Written by Damon W. Root for Reason Magazine The federal government suffered a major defeat today at the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Arkansas Game & Fish Commission v. United States. In their unanimous decision, the justices rejected the government’s sweeping claim that a series of recurring floods induced by the U.S.

Vilsack Says Rural America is Less and Less Relevant

by truthfarmer in Uncategorized The USDA has been working concertedly since the 1930?s to decrease the number of citizen’s in the US who are actually engaged in farming. The focus, especially since the 1950?s has been to tell farmers to “get big or get out”. Now Vilsack has the audacity to state “It’s time to have a grown up conversation with rural America”. I guess this is the tenor we can expect as we move “Forward”. My comment to all of non-rural America is, “Let Them Eat Grass”.read


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